Ninetales – Pokémon TCG Highlander

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Pre Evolution:

Form Change:

Pre Evolution:

Form Change:

Versatile in high damage and board state support, Ninetales jumps into Highlander with a foreboding presence upon play.

Strategy Points:

  • “Barrier Shrine” is simple in definition, but broad and dynamic in potential. Being able to keep a Stadium card locked-in can create a favorable board for you throughout an entire game. You can use “Scorched Earth” with Fire and Fighting decks to get an edge in consistency, while Fairy decks will appreciate the heightened mobility that “Fairy Garden” provides.
  • Dusknoir – Level X’s “Ectoplasm” dials up the game winning timer for you to the max. “Barrier Shrine” will heighten a level of security for this momentum swinging Poké-Power. In the case of stopping Stadium removal cards like Field Blower and Delinquent, Trevenant and Stoutland are respective options to consider. Especially when paired with high amounts of spread damage from Dusknoir – Level X.
  • “Color Shift” allows for typing mix ups that push for a potential punishment if the opponent is playing multiple types and Weaknesses. It can also allow for capitalizing off of certain Stadium cards like Moonlight Stadium and Fighting Stadium against the opponent.
  • “Fire Blast” and “Moon Blast” provide great damage with a cost that can be easily mended with combos like Arcanine + Magcargo for Fire Energy streaming and Azumarill + Aromatisse for Fairy Energy.
  • Regular Ninetales can capitalize with great damage with Burning Energy and Burning Scarf with “Fire Blast”. Alolan Ninetales can stay more protected thanks to Wonder Energy and Fairy Charm Ability.
  • “Collect Fire” from Vulpix creates a threat of a turn two “Fire Blast” while being able to attach another Energy on your board to prepare another attacker. “Snowed In” from Alolan Vulpix grants good bench protection for upcoming Stadium lock plays, while “Gnaw” for no energy provides great chip damage if you’re pushing Energy onto an upcoming attacker.
  • Ninetales Break:
  • “Explosive Fireball” is an easy way to get rid of big threats in front of you. With the previously mentioned Energy streaming combos, as well as using Pokémon like Emboar or Gardevoir for Fire and Fairy Energy respectively, you can quickly stockpile the needed amount of damage for a knock out.
  • Stark Mountain” is a great stadium to maintain damage momentum in Fire decks. “Fairy Garden” allows for Ninetales to gain HP with this Form Change, then quickly retreat. Both Stadiums will continue helping your respective teams with a layer of protection thanks to “Barrier Shrine.”