Pre Evolutions:

Form Changes:

Efficient in disruption and harsh in punishment, Gengar phases into Highlander with an amazing array of options that let it be an effective Core, Support, or Pick Pokémon for your team.
Strategy Points:
- “Curse” is the subtle silent killer. There’s a lot that can be done with once per turn damage movement. From spread decks maximizing big Knock Out plays to needing that crucial 10 damage to get rid of a potential sweeper, this Poké-Power is dynamic in range and effective combo play.
- Meloetta, Azelf, Beheeyem, Cursola, Dusknoir, Bruxish, Espeon, Dusknoir, Cresselia – Level X, Lunatone, Jellicent, Necrozma, Chimecho (evolved from Chingling), and Weezing – Level X are all great Psychic Type Pokémon that can add into spread damage strategies with “Curse.”
- Miasma Valley, Rocky Helmet, Agatha, Telescopic Sight, and Grimsley are all great cards that help support spread damage strategies.
- “Shadow Room” heavily punishes Pokémon that have Poké-Powers for a single Energy. Because this places damage counters, it bypasses a plethora of bench protecting effects, putting potential support Pokémon into a corner.
- In Highlander, Pokémon that evolve from Baby Pokémon will always have Poke-Powers on them. This includes Form Changes with their previous forms having any Poke-Powers, which can be hit by “Shadow Room” for max damage.
- “Poltergeist” has a tremendously high damage ceiling while providing you information going into your opponent’s turn.
- Noctowl, Looker’s Investigation, Peeking Red Card, Tsareena, Mawile, Weavile, Captivating Poké Puff, and Gumshoos (with the assistance of hand selection effects like Purugly’s “High Hat” or Team Galactic’s Mars) all provide opportunities to look at your opponent’s hand before you attack.
- You can use Surprise Box to make your opponent take a Trainer, Supporter, or Stadium card. You can also use Red Card, N, Judge, or Iono to make your opponent draw a new hand if you know or predict a low count that need the odds re-rolled.
- Gastly’s “Fade Out” allows you to loop Plus Power and damage modifying Pokémon Tool cards like Vitality and Choice Band. You can pivot into a punishing wall like Spiritomb, Lugia, Wobbuffet, Ting-Lu, Yveltal, or Shuckle afterward.
- Haunter’s “Gothic Fear” provides a rare infliction of Confusion on demand. You can pair this with Lefeon, Sneasler, or Spinda Level – X + a Colorless attacker like Arceus or Regigigas to take advantage of instant Confusion. “Poison Ring” provides a great lock with the potential of Gengar’s “Curse” moving off extra damage not needed for a Knock Out going into your turn.
- Gengar – Level X:
- “Level-Down” heavily punishes Pokémon-EX anywhere on your opponent’s board. The HP and Attack reduction can start to lockdown opposing Pokémon from making much progress while you continue to set up Knock Outs with all of Gengar – Level X’s options.
- Because you can use this and “Curse” from the bench, you can aggressively dial up the pressure by pivoting into a spread attacker listed under “Curse.”
- “Compound Pain” can do up to 180 damage on your opponent’s board. With the previous listed strategies for “Curse”, you can easily achieve this damage.
- Golurk, Omastar, Claydol, Technical Machine TS-2, and Technical Machine: Devolution can grant you fast Knock Outs by de-evolving your opponent’s Pokémon and potentially becoming cleaner strategies to win the game.
- Mega Gengar:
- “Shadow Room” not only traps the Defending Pokémon, but it allows for Mega Gengar to place damage counters around that Pokémon thanks to “Curse” and “Shadow Room.” One Lysandre/Guzma, Toy Catcher, Serena, or Pokémon Catcher can hold your opponent in a lock until they have a switching card or Knock Out Mega Gengar.
- You can use Metagross, Lumineon, and Pyroar to continue pressuring the opponent’s bench and exhausting potential resources while you continue to spread damage and set up a favorable board.
- A Mega buffed “Poltergeist” will hit for 110 for only three Trainer, Supporter, and Stadium cards in your opponent’s hand. Combined with just one “Curse” and the previous listed combos for “Poltergeist” and you have a lethal set up to stream Knock Outs each turn.