Mewtwo – Pokémon TCG Highlander

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Form Changes:

Mewtwo’s well-rounded utility with Energy acceleration, healing, and punishing damage makes this Psystriker a strong Pokemon to run for all sorts of playstyles.

Strategy Points:

  • “Energy Absorption” is a versatile, no Energy costing attack that can have Mewtwo ready to use its other attacks or be prepared for combos from your other Pokemon by next turn.
  • “Recover” heals all damage to Mewtwo at the cost of one Psychic Energy. Drastically increasing the longevity potential for Mewtwo.
    • You can run Mismagius or Reuniclus to keep streaming Psychic Energy from your benched Pokemon to Mewtwo. Especially with Musharna providing accelerated Psychic Energy from the bench.
    • You can run Rescue or Splash Energy with “Energy Absorption” to further add to Mewtwo’s longevity as you setup your bench.
  • “Psychic” is a classic Pokemon TCG attack with Mewtwo as its original user. 50 base damage is already great, but the additional damage from the Defending Pokemon’s Energy count makes Mewtwo lethal throughout the entire pace and state of the game.
    • Tentecruel, Slowking, Linoone, and Eneporter all can alter your opponent’s board and stack more Energy onto the Defending Pokemon.
    • You can run Strong, Powerful, and Special Darkness Energy to further amplify the damage from this attack while providing the Colorless cost. One “Energy Absorption” with these can make Mewtwo a turn two sweeper.
  • Mewtwo – Level X:
  • “Psybarrier” stopping all Pokemon-EX from hitting Mewtwo – Level X allows for drastically game altering boards. When paired with the previously mentioned Pokemon for using “Psychic”, you can hinder big attacks from hitting Mewtwo – Level X at all.
  • “Giga Burn” is a blunt problem solving attack that hits for 120 damage. This can easily be combined with “Energy Absorption” and its listed combos. 
  • Mega Mewtwo X:
  • “Steadfast” provides the same effect as “Energy Absorption” as an ability. You can easily trigger this on your turn with Spicy Seasoned Curry, Venusaur, Salazzle, or Ariados.
  • Mega Mewtwo X’s dual typing means that it can benefit from Fighting type effects like Grant, Quagsire, and Fighting Stadium. The plus 20 damage from the “Mega Buff” along with Strong Energy now providing Psychic makes for high-damaging “Psychic” plays, before additional Energy on the Defending Pokemon is applied.
  • Mega Mewtwo Y:
  • “Insomnia” stops Asleep-based strategies in their tracks. It also stops all effects of an attack done to Mega Mewtwo Y, adding an additional layer of protection for Mewtwo’s previously listed strategies.
  • You can run Wigglytuff and Slumbering Forest to make your opponent double Asleep while Mega Mewtwo Y remains unaffected. All while you continue to use a base 70+ damage Psychic vs the opponent.