Pre Evolution:

Form Change:

With the right strategy combinations, Parasect crawls into Highlander with great energy acceleration and disruption to win games.
Strategy Points:
- “Allergic Pollen” can completely stop deck strategies in their tracks. From hyper aggressive “discard and draw” (Professor’s Research / Scorch Earth) to core energy acceleration combos (Electivire / Rayquaza), Parasect puts these strategies to a complete halt.
- Mill strategies appreciate a mid to late game “Allergic Pollen.” Preventing your opponent from recovering cards. You can run Cessation Crystal, Palossand, or Garbodor to turn off your own “Allergic Pollen” and use recovery cards. Then use Switch, Devolution Spray, or Corviknight’s “Flying Taxi” to reactivate “Allergic Pollen.”
- “Nutritional Support” quickly accelerates Grass Energy to your Pokémon. Torterra, Huntail, Delphox, and Yanmega greatly appreciate the abundance of Energy on your board.
- “Hibernation Spore” can be used as early as turn 2 with Wally or Broken Time-Space and “Nutritional Support.” With only a 25% chance of waking up, Parasect can become a blanket check to threatening sweepers.
- Shiinotic and Butterfree – Level X both add a pressure timer for damage between turns. Vileplume is another great Pokémon that can halt the opponent from playing Switch or Escape Rope, all while making your opponent spend more resources to play Trainer cards all together.
- Vileplume – Level X can stall out an opponent after being hit by “Hibernation Spore.” Especially when paired with the added disruption of “Pollen Catastrophe” and “Power Sap.”
- Bellossom adds a lot of healing and Energy Acceleration for these previously mentioned combos. Including an added Oddish-Gloom line while running Vileplume. Bellossom – Level X’s “Flooding Overgrowth” can provide a great late game winning strategy against an opponent that has expended a lot of their resources.
- “Call for Family” is a great attack to begin setting up your board for “Nutritional Support.” Paras can also use “Toxic Spore” for early game pressure, especially with the threat of a turn two “Hibernation Spore” thanks to Parasect – Level X.
- Parasect – Level X:
- The previously mentioned attackers with “Nutritional Support” will have their Grass Energy damage modifiers doubled thanks to “Fungi Frenzy.” There are also a lot of Pokémon that will greatly appreciate the double Grass Energy:
- Electrode (Grass), Frosmoth, Heracross, Slaking, Sawsbuck, and Exeggutor (both forms) are all great high damaging Pokemon that appreciate the doubled Energy.
- Scovillain’s “Double Type” will convert all Grass Energy into Fire and vice-versa, opening a whole new outlet of attackers that will appreciate the doubled Energy, like: Infernape, Moltres, Magmortar, and Emboar.
- Sceptile’s “Energy Trans” is already great with Parasect, Emboar’s “Inferno Fandago” will also work thanks to Scovillain.
- “Crippling Cutter” is a fast way to do a lot of damage. Using Will, Glimwood Tangle, Maractus’s “Exciting Shake”, Sandaconda’s “Coil”, or Victini’s “Victory Star” are all great options to help achieve high damage.
- Not just for high damage on the Defending Pokémon, you can use these combos to purposefully get tails for added spread damage to the Opponent’s bench as well.