Pre Evolutions:

Form Change:

Sturdy sustainability with a knack for disruption, Venusaur arrives at Pokémon TCG Highlander with an arsenal of special conditions while protecting your own team of grass types.
Strategy Points:
- “Green Aroma” can completely shut down decks with a special condition core. Ironically, stadium cards like Dust Island and Full Flame can be used effectively against the opponent’s that use them.
- “Miracle Aroma” provides a wide range of utility. Poison quickly stacks in damage with Pokemon like Weezing and cards like Virbank City Gym. Burn provides at least a quick +20 to make the difference for knockouts. And Asleep allows to stop potential sweepers.
- Coin flips not being required for Pokémon-EX creates natural pressure for the opponent to be careful. Because every form change is an EX, you can keep game swinging plans at bay from the bench.
- Pokémon like Leafeon and Dustox greatly appreciate the multiple special conditions that Venusaur can inflict from the bench. Pokémon like Shiinotic and Volcarona dial up damage from the bench.
- The option for self-inflicting special conditions allows for Mightyena and Conkeldurr to reliably get their bonuses to stream high damaging pressure. You can run Windup Arm to take no damage while attacking with these bonuses.
- When Venusaur is ready to attack, “Giant Bloom” provides great damage while healing at least 20 damage. Butterfree and Serperior provides a heightened bonus for sustainability.
- Mega Venusaur:
- “Thick Fat” getting rid of Venusaur’s Weakness can create a win condition by getting rid of your opponent’s type related counters.
- Fire and Water Energy also includes anything that provides it, such as Rainbow and Dragon Energy. You can run Tentacruel or Slowking to make specific threats have these Energy attached to them if your opponent plays them.
- With a 90 damage “Giant Bloom”, more HP, a great defensive ability, and special condition control, Mega Venusaur is both an early game blitz machine and late game cleaner.