Keep at it each day and inspire others to forge a strong will.
The self-bounty of Brennen LaMastres has extended to this month:

May Monthly Tournament Coverage
Changed Cards
- Articuno: “Blizzard” / “Freezing Glare” now grants a guaranteed 20 damage to your opponent’s Pokémon-EX with one damage counter placed on the Defending Pokémon-EX and a coin flip chance for Paralysis.
- Cetitan: “Sweeping Tackle” initially does 100. “Rolling Slider” now costs one Water Energy and does 20 damage times the number of heads.
- Dondozo: “Supplemental Swallow-Up” replaces “Hammer In” as an attack. “Release Rage’s” cost is changed to one Colorless Energy, along with a smaller max damage cap of 50 additional damage. You can now use “Release Rage” the turn after a Knock Out, the bench damage is only to your Pokémon-EX now.
- Iron Treads: “Iron-Clad Roll” now allows you to discard Energy attached to your Pokémon as well. Energy as a cost was changed to Metal Energy only.
- Kartana: No changes made. Imported to the new template for better readability.
- Ledian: “Powder Protection” works for only your Pokémon that have Grass Energy attached to them or are Grass Type.
- Lycanroc: “Hunting Ambush” now places 2 damage counters instead of 1. “Dangerous Rogue” now places 2 damage counters instead of 1.
- Mr. Mime: No changes made. Imported to the new template for better readability.
- Steelix: “Metal Tail Strike” grants attack damage and effect protection from Pokémon-EX during your opponent’s next turn.
- Tapu Lele: “Wonder Tag” now requires three cars to be discarded instead of just two. The opponent may discard from the hand.
- Xurkitree: “Flashing Head” applies damage reduction after Weakness and Resistance instead of before. You can now select to discard face up Prize Cards.
New Trainer/Supporter/Stadium/Special Energy Cards from Twilight Masquerade:
- Accompanying Flute
- Boomerang Energy
- Bug Catching Set
- Caretaker
- Community Center
- Festival Grounds
- Handheld Fan
- Hassel
- Jamming Tower
- Kieran
- Lana’s Aid
- Love Ball
- Lucian
- Perrin
- Raifort
New Not Fully Evolved Pokémon from Twilight Masquerade:
Updated Not Fully Evolved Pokémon:
The Fairy and Poison type resync:
Though NFE Pokémon are to not be edited and altered. From this update on, due to the official game not showing a return for Fairy and Poison type Pokémon to be Fairy and Psychic in the TCG, I will be lightly editing future Fairy and Poison types to match Fairy and Poison respectively. The following Pokémon have been edited and will be added to the “altered cards” folder.
- Fairy NFE Pokémon: Milcery, Swirlix, Tinkatin, Tinatuff, Togepi
- Poison NFE Pokémon: Ekans, Golbat, Impidimp, Koffing, Mogrem, Paldean Wooper, Zubat
New Pokémon:
- Darkness: Lokix
- Fighting: Glimmora
- Metal: Kingambit
- Water: Palafin
June Monthlies
*To be updated later this week!*