Flight of Harmony – Pokémon TCG Highlander: January 2024 Update

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Inspire your peers for a more accepting world, at and away from the card tables.

The In-Person Monthly will be on January 28th – Start time is 11:30 AM

Notes on the Cube

As noted last month, there will be a transition for veteran players to bring their own (physical or printed) non-Pokémon cards this year. I will continue to make decks, but as the average player count goes up, I will be reaching out to help players buy and trade for their own small collection of Highlander cards they can bring for themselves in the near future.

December Monthly Tournament Coverage

Card Changes:

  • Cradily: Weakness changed from Psychic to Metal.
  • Drifblim: “Take Away” no longer works on Form Changes.
  • Granbull: “Intimidating Fang” adjusted to reduce 10 damage done to your Fairy and Colorless Pokémon from both sides. “Timid Tackle” now deals 70 damage while doing 20 recoil damage.

Banned/1-of Changes:

  • Banned: Battle VIP Pass
  • 1-of: Triple Acceleration Energy

New Pokémon:

  • Colorless: Delcatty – Level X, Exploud – Level X, Kecleon – Level X, Linoone – Level X, Slaking – Level X, Spinda – Level X, Swellow – Level X, Zangoose – Level X
  • Darkness: Cacturne – Level X, Crawdaunt – Level X, Mightyena – Level X, Shiftry – Level X
  • Fighting: Armaldo – Level X, Claydol – Level X, Hariyama – Level X, Regirock – Level X, Relicanth – Level X, Solrock – Level X
  • Fire: Castform – Level X – Sunny, Torkoal – Level X
  • Grass: Beautifly – Level X, Breloom – Level X, Cradily – Level X, Illumise – Level X, Ludicolo – Level X, Masquerain – Level X, Ninjask – Level X, Shedinja – Level X, Tropius – Level X, Volbeat – Level X
  • Lightning: Minun – Level X, Plusle – Level X
  • Metal: Jirachi – Level X, Registeel – Level X
  • Psychic: Chimecho – Level X, Deoxys – Level X – Attack, Deoxys – Level X – Defense, Deoxys – Level X – Speed, Dustox – Level X, Grumpig – Level X, Lunatone – Level X, Seviper – Level X, Swalot – Level X
  • Water: Castform – Level X – Rainy, Castform – Level X – Snowy, Gorebyss – Level X, Huntail – Level X, Luvdisc – Level X, Milotic – Level X, Pelipper – Level X, Regice – Level X, Wailord – Level X, Walrein – Level X, Whiscash – Level X

Please make sure to voice your preferred dates on the Community Discord or Facebook Page for the January Online Monthly as soon as possible to let your voice be heard.