Pre Evolutions:

Form Changes:

Executing efficiency with a constant game plan to threaten the board, Machamp enters Highlander’s competitive circuit with grit and strategy to overcome a wide range of opponents’ strategies.
Strategy Points:
- “Take Out” deals good damage for one Energy. Which is already lethal when you consider damage increasing options like Grant, PlusPower, and Professor Kukui. The effect of instantly Knocking Out a non-Evolved Pokémon leads to a gateway of prize taking combos, including:
- Playing a high count of Pokémon Catcher and Escape Rope while paired with 1-ofs like Toy Catcher, Serena, and Lysandre/Guzma.
- Armaldo – Level X, Palkia – Level X, Pyroar, Lumineon, and Metagross all provide Poké-Powers you can use to pull up Benched Pokémon before using “Take Out.”
- Target Whistle Team Flare Gear and Captivating Poké Puff make your opponent play down Basic Pokémon during your turn, potentially creating another Knock Out with this attack.
- Mawile, Honchkrow, and Lumineon all provide a similar revival/opponent must play effects as Poké-Powers that can further help Machamp stream Knock Outs.
- Flygon not only grants Machamp great mobility, but “Rainbow Float” allows for Palkia – Level X and Lumineon to have more board mobility for their bench pulling plays.
- “Hurricane Punch” is a great post-Take Out for the scenarios where your opponent responds with an Evolved Pokémon placed into their Active Spot.
- Victini, Glimwood Tangle, Sandaconda, and Maractus all provide great support to increase your chances for more damage with this attack.
- This move helps with Machamp being played in non-Fighting/multitype decks. You can use your Rainbow/Multi Energy for “Take Out” and easily meet the 2nd Colorless Energy requirements if your opponent responds with an Evolved Pokémon as their next Active.
- “Rage” is often a final parting attack from Machamp. With defensive modifiers like Stone Energy, Defender, and Giant Cape, Machamp surviving even one turn longer can net you yet another Knock Out.
- You can use Flygon or Kabutops – Level X to pivot Machamp to your bench after using “Take Out” or “Hurricane Punch” in a healthy state. Allowing you to put EXP. Share onto Machamp or attach additional Energy to prepare retaliation plays later in the game.
- Donphan, Whiscash, and Zygarde all have high damaging attacks that damage your own bench. This can be used in your favor with Pokémon like Machamp, Gigalith, and Gallade.
- Machop’s “Mach Punch” is not an attack you want to just use without much thought. The 10 bench damage can be placed onto Pokémon that you predict will evolve pretty soon, staying away from the instant Knock Out threat of “Take Out.”
- Because all of Machamp’s are initially averaged around 40 to 60 before additional modifiers (flips, damage, external effects), the 10 damage can put 70 and 90HP Pokémon in an easier Knock Out range for later in the game.
- Machoke has high HP and relative damage for a not fully Evolved Pokémon. The use of “Mountain Ramming” for a mill can drastically alter your opponent’s game plans, especially if an Evolved Pokémon is discarded.
- Machamp – Level X:
- “No Guard” providing an instant plus 60 in attack damage is a huge on-demand effect to keep in mind, for you and your opponent.
- Thanks to Shrine of Memories, Machop and Machoke’s attacks both provide net bonuses if the boost from “No Guard” will already secure a Knock Out. Allowing for the extra bench damage or deck mill to help swing even more momentum.
- “Strong-Willed” is a great attack to add some security with “No Guard.” This can be paired with Glimwood Tangle or Sandaconda for a double chance of protection during your opponent’s turn.
- Hariyama and Ninetales help in keeping Glimwood Tangle more protected. Which also can help with “Hurricane Punch” plays throughout the game.
- Machamp BREAK:
- 190HP adds even more defensive pressure for the opponent in having to regard potential “Rage” counterattacks. You can easily heal the initial BREAK evolution 20 damage with Potion or Fresh Water Set.
- “Boomerang Lariat” is a game winning attack. If the opponent does not have a way to Knock Out or get Machamp BREAK out of the Active Spot, the 200 damage stream of attacks will be Knocking Out most Pokémon in Highlander on average.
- While it’s ideal to often stream “Boomerang Lariat” turn after turn, you can for sure use the previously mentioned Shrine of Memories combos with Machop and Machoke’s attacks for net bonuses, especially if you foresee Machamp BREAK getting Knocked Out next turn.