Pre Evolution:

Form Change:

Golduck is relentless in both inflicting damage and Confusion upon Pokémon. With even a few combo Pokémon, you can quickly win games with this Highlander swift swimmer.
Strategy Points:
- “Chaos Flash” is the only Poké-Power in Highlander that grants instant Confusion. This can stop a lethal attacker in its tracks, while also providing huge momentum for Pokemon like:
- Spinda – Level X’s “The Powered Path” allows for any of your Colorless Pokémon to use their attacks for no Energy.
- “Contrary” from Malamar will make the Defending Confused Pokémon always flip tails when they attack.
- Dustox, Leafeon, and Butterfree – Level X all have their own respective effects for getting stronger for each Special Condition on the Defending Pokémon.
- You can keep using this Poké-Power to heal Muk thanks to “Sludge Cell”, Muk can attack risk free thanks to Windup Arm.
- “Double Jet” can easily do 80 damage for one Energy. Using Energy Retrieval, Suicune’s “Aqua Recover”, and Starmie’s “Aqua Recycle” allows for consistent streaming while potentially snowballing in knock out momentum.
- “Break Beam” already has high initial damage, but the high use of Pokémon Tool cards like Float Stone and Eviolite makes most matches an almost guarantee in an 80+ from Break Beam.
- “Salvage Set Up” from Relicanth – Level X and “Switheroo” from Linoone both provide Pokémon Tool Card manipulation on your opponent’s board to increase and maintain them for higher damage.
- Not only does Delibird provide great consistency and damage spread potential for Golduck, but “Gift Giving” creates a scenario where you can disrupt your opponent’s hand while giving them Pokémon Tool cards that adds more damage while going back to your Discard Pile after Golduck attacks.
- “Overthink” from Psyduck can be a game changer against decks that utilize a lot of coin flips. Confused Pokémon will always flip tails after an “Overthink” as well. Because both of Golduck’s attacks are multiplied as even numbers, one early “Water Gun” from Psyduck can save you a potential discard with “Double Jet.”
- “Ancient Canal System” from Kabutops – Level X allows for Psyduck to quickly pivot into a wide range of Pokémon that can amplify the disruption of “Overthink”, including:
- Spiritomb, Stoutland, Trevenant, Lugia, Aerodactyl, Cacturne, Dialga, Mr. Mime, Kabutops, Armarouge, Masquerain, Sharpedo, Electrode, Aggron, Ursaring, Qwilfish, Octillery, and Pyukumuku.
- “Ancient Canal System” from Kabutops – Level X allows for Psyduck to quickly pivot into a wide range of Pokémon that can amplify the disruption of “Overthink”, including:
- Golduck Break:
- The HP boost from 80 to 140 is huge. While Break Evolutions take 20 damage upon play, an easy use of “Ripples” from Mantine, “Victory Kiss” from Jynx, or a Potion will quickly get rid of the cost damage. Allowing for Golduck to potentially sweep games if the opponent cannot return a Knock Out quickly enough.
- Because you can retreat while being Confused, playing Golduck makes for basically a free infliction of Confusion on the Defending Pokémon. You can use your free retreat to start using both “Chaos Flash” and “Hyper Transfer” from the bench for possibly the rest of the game.
- “Hyper Transfer” is both wide in its range and effectiveness. There are a plethora of combos to consider, including:
- Moving Fire and Lightning Energies from Rayquaza’s “Speed Gain.”
- Moving any Basic Energy from Walrein’s “Gather Ice.”
- Moving Fire or Darkness Energy from Moltres’s “Flame Charge.”
- Moving Fighting Energy from Regirock’s “Regi Cycle.”
- All Stage 1 Basic Energy discard chargers: Skuntank, Naganadel, Azumarill, Hippowdon, Arcanine, Yanmega, Electivire, Forretress, Musharna, and Floatzel.
- “Hyper Transfer” works wonders with Super Potion and Pokémon that grant a free retreat with Water Energy such as Flygon and Pelipper – Level X.