Pre Evolution:

Form Change:

With high power and speed, Fearow creates multiple windows of opportunity for your team to snatch KOs and preserve game-winning momentum.
Strategy Points:
- “Free Flight” activates whenever your Pokémon takes damage from attacks, creating a wide range of pivot plays. You can use Staraptor to double up on free retreating high damaging switch plays, paired well with Staraptor’s “Protect Wings” Poké-Body. Stoutland is another great Pokemon to combo with Fearow, allowing for a Supporter lock for Fearow to move into after using Nosedive.
- Super Potion is a great card for your “Free Flight” pivots. Allowing you to push their strong Active Poké-Bodies with Spiritomb or Trevenant, and then freely healing 60 after they take damage and pivot to the bench.
- “Repeating Drill” has a great average damage chance of 60. With effects from Victini, Glimwood Tangle, and Will, it can easily reach to OHKO levels on the average fully evolved Highlander Pokémon.
- The self-damage from Nosedive can be easily mitigated with the help of Granbull, Defender, and Heat Energy. All while dealing high amounts of damage that can be easily healed off with Potion or Leftovers.
- Spearow providing a free retreat provides a consistent way to reposition your Fearow-based strategies throughout the game. Mirror Move is something your opponent will need to keep in mind, you can pivot into Fearow with Shrine of Memories or a Memory Berry and return the exact attack done to it to the Defending Pokémon. Because of the all Colorless cost, you can supply Fearow with Stone and Special Metal Energies to increase its chances of survivability.
- Fearow – Level X:
- “Sniper Eye” has the potential to stack quickly, especially when paired with the previously mentioned pivoting and defensive strategies. By reflipping coins for other Pokémon, game changing attacks like Kleavor’s “Timber Cleave” and effects from Crushing Hammer and Pokémon Catcher.
- The damage buff potential of “Sniper Eye” allows for Butterfree and Beautifly to heal even more damage with “Parallel Drain” and “Giga Drain” respectively. “Parallel Drain” can heal a lot for Fearow, while “Giga Drain” paired with “Scrunch” and “Sniper Counters” will prove lethal in easily removing all damage from Beautifly.
- “Slashing Drill” provides a great reliable 50 damage for one Energy. Which can easily be a Powerful or Wonder Energy, helping Fearow with damage or survivability respectively. All while heavily punishing Pokémon that use their own to attack.