Pre Evolution:

Form Change:

Pre Evolution:

Form Change:

Fast with an amazing punish game, Electrode bowls into Highlander with options that can make for lethal traps.
Strategy Points:
- “Radiance” has the highest damage potential for any Poké-Body in Highlander. Being able to retaliate from damage with up to 6 damage counters placed on your opponent’s board serves as potential deterrent for how your opponent will want to use their attacks.
- You can use hit and run attackers like Accelgor, Magnezone, and Emolga to promote this Poké-Body as punishment going into your opponent’s turn.
- Running Defender, Rocky Helmet, and Nidoking heavily amplifies the work and punishment the opponent will have to go through when dealing with this Poké-Body.
- “Low Current” has a rare effect of guaranteed Paralysis after Electrode was damaged by an attack during your opponent’s last turn. The previous strategies for “Radiance” work in tangent for this attack, as well as providing reliable damage to initiate with for one Energy.
- Zebsrtika’s “Zap Zone” provides shred properties for this attack on Regular Electrode to place pressure via damage. Land Shaymin – Level X’s “Thankfulness” grants Hisuian Electrode 40 more HP for added sustainability.
- “Lightning Strike” allows for Electrode to be rewarded for building up three Energy attached to it. You can run EXP. Share, Lanturn, and Magnezone (for Lightning Energy)/Sceptile (for Grass Energy) for rapid Energy acceleration to potentially stream 120 damage each turn.
- Jolteon’s “Speed Cheer” will reduce the cost of Regular Electrode’s attacks after each Knock Out. Parasect – Level X’s “Fungi Frenzy” will make the attack only cost two Grass Energy. You can run another type of Energy to only have to discard one Grass Energy for the 60 bonus damage.
- Regular Voltorb’s “Magnetic Pull” opens for highly disruptive plays by pulling up your opponent’s Pokémon that might be difficult to retreat or attack with. “Spin Tackle” serves as great early game damage that can be used to finish off opposing Pokémon with any of Electrode’s options later.
- Hisuian Voltorb’s “Cheerful Charge” grants wonderful momentum in the early game for up to two of your benched Pokémon. “Ram” can be considered if you see that you might be 10 damage off with Hisuian Electrode’s options later in the game.
- Electrode – Level X:
- “Dynamo Derby” creates a lot of great combo routes by turning all of your Lightning and Grass Pokémon into potential hit and runners. This helps create safer and more threatening plays with attacks when you pair them with active walls and disruptors like:
- “Overdrive Outburst” creates an entire new landscape for you and your opponent. The re-attached Energy allows your Pokémon to continue with great momentum. The Knock Out of both players Active Pokémon creates a reset while often undermining your opponent’s strategies. The 30 spread damage further escalates urgency (while being able to be hindered on your side with bench protection), and the extra Energy attachments from the spread damage Knock Outs serves as great recovery from your Discard Pile.
- You can run Triple Acceleration or Double Colorless to quicken the rate of using this attack, as well as keeping the Double Colorless Energy around after this attack.
- Bench protectors like Manectric, Bastiodon, Cloyster, and Dugtrio will make the 30 damage spread only for your opponent (and the bench protector, but you can run Bench Shield to protect them as well.)