Pre Evolution:

Form Change:

With heightened mobility and easy-to-use attacks, Dodrio sprints into Highlander with amazing support and damage potential for your team.
Strategy Points:
- “Retreat Aid” makes a huge impact for your teams overall mobility. Even if all of you fully evolved Pokémon are free retreaters, the ability to retreat regardless of Special Condition can bail you out of a lock of Sleeping and Paralysis lock strategies.
- This Poké-Body is helpful for Form Changing your Pokémon and getting them to the bench on the same turn. Hitmontop – Level X, Huntail – Level X, Kingdra – Level X, Mega Blaziken, and Omastar BREAK all appreciate this assistance.
- You can use Wigglytuff‘s “Good Night Melody” to put the Defending Pokémon Asleep while being able to retreat your own.
- Komala and Snorlax will now have the option to retreat while using their respective options that have bonuses for them being Asleep.
- You can run Ariados and Jellicent to further increase your opponent’s retreat across for their Active Pokémon while this Poké-Body combats this.
- “Raging Pecks” has a wide range in damage potential for one Energy. Due to its cost, you can run a plethora of Special Energy for added effects: Splash/Rescue Energy for recovery, Speed Energy for more draw power, and Horror Energy for punishing recoil onto the opponent.
- Blunder Policy is highly probable to activate, further increasing your accumulation of resources while dealing damage.
- “Triple Peck” provides a damage potential of 90 on your opponent’s board. The last portion on removing Pokémon Tool cards can be crucial in undermining your opponent’s mobility, momentum, and defenses with cards like Float Stone, EXP. Share, and Assault Vest removed.
- Telescopic Sight is great to make for a possible 150 damage board placement from one attack.
- If Dodrio mainly is playing bench support with “Retreat Aid,” running Triple Acceleration Energy provides a quick way to use this attack for setting up future Knock Outs and possibly getting rid of crucial Pokémon Tool cards.
- Dodrio – Level X:
- “Tri Gold Shout” makes all of your Colorless Pokémon anti-EX with a +30 in their attack damage. This includes bench damage, so spread attackers like Spinda, Bibarel, Exploud, and Cramorant can place a lot of damage on the opponent’s board in just one turn.
- Already strong revenge killers like Boufallant and Silvally are looking to one hit Knock Out the average fully evolved Pokémon-EX, especially when paired with a Choice Band.
- “Blitz Beating” provides a great hand refresh with the potential of doing 120 damage thanks to “Tri Gold Shout.” While less benched Pokémon does equal to less retreat cost on average, you can also run stadiums like Fairy Garden, Skyarrow Bridge, Altar of The Moone, and Moonlight Stadium to lower the retreat cost of your board.