Blissey – Pokémon TCG Highlander

Pre Evolutions:

Form Change:

The poster-Medic of the Video Games, Anime, and Cards, the Blissey line brings the Medical Bay to any deck played while packing a punch with their own fighting merits.

Strategy Points:

  • “Nurse Call” is a reliable form of burst healing for any of your Pokémon. Not only does this keep your attacker healthy, but you can mitigate Bench damage from Pokémon like Gengar and Inteleon.
  • The cost of “Nurse Call” can serve as a net positive when used with Pokemon that want cards discarded like Tyranitar and Chandelure.
  • “Happy Chance” includes Double Colorless Energy providing +20 and Triple Acceleration Energy at +30, all while you accumulate discarded basic Energy cards from the Discard Pile.
  • Blissey becoming an Energy Bank with “Happy Chance” allows for even more board favorable plays with cards like Energy Switch and Lucian’s Assignment.
  • With Happiny
  • “Blissful Energy Link” rewards Blissey with a Special Energy attachment whenever your opponent uses a Poké-Power. With the average deck using a few of these a match, it’s a pretty safe and rewarding risk to discard Double Colorless or Powerful Energy for “Nurse Call” or a cost in general to be attached with later.
  • “Blissful Nurse” serves for mass healing on your side at the cost of your Energy. Reuniclus allows for mass damage manipulation while saving your energy that you can also move around. Emboar and Klinklang can move multiple Energy to a non-damaged Pokemon to save the attachments.
  • “Double-Edge” can serve as quick way to do 60 damage when the 50 from “Happy Chance” isn’t enough. “Sing” allows Blissey to use a Z-Crystal Effect Attack for accelerated energy, more cards and disruption.
  • With Blissey – Level X
  • “Emergency Standby” is a high-risk + high-reward Poké-Power that tests a player in recognizing which of your Pokémon is okay in being Knocked Out and which one you should save to potentially win the game. This tends to be used sooner rather than later due to the default risk of Bissey – Level X getting knocked out leading to no further opportunities during the game.
  • “Dangerous Dose” is an effective way to handle potential sweepers set up by the opponent. The Poison being able to pierce effects allows for even the sturdiest threats to be put on a timer.