Pre Evolution:

Form Change:

With only one Psychic Energy, Arbok coils at the ready with high damage, ability lock, and bench pulling on standby.
Strategy Points:
- “Deadly Poison” sets most Pokémon up for a reliable two hit knockout scenario. You can use cards like Virbank City Gym, Koga’s Trap, and Poison Barb to elevate the damage potential to an OHKO.
- Ariadios, Salazzle, Amoongus, Roserade (with Budew), and Venusaur all provide Poké-Powers that can grant Poison when needed.
- “Gastro Acid” is flexible in splitting up its initial damage with what Pokémon you choose to Ability lock. With combos like Moltres + Rayquaze or Blastoise + Delcatty, you can deal damage to both former attackers and Ability lock the latter to stop the momentum of combos that need said-Abilities to keep rolling.
- “Terror Strike” places a damper onto your opponent’s expected strategy of play. Even if their bench has only Pokémon with zero Retreat Cost, you can use Dragalge or Jellicent to help lock them down.
- You can use “Dust Island” and Dugtrio (both forms) to push punishment onto your opponent’s Pokémon for switching and retreating after a “Terror Strike.”
- Ekans “Wrap” can halt early game momentum on the opponent while providing a great way to lock down the Defending Pokémon under pressure from Poison and/or looking to retreat.
- Arbok – Level X:
- “Glaring Entrance” is one of the only ways in Highlander to get guaranteed Paralysis. You can run Moonlight Stadium, Sneasler, or Mystery Energy to quickly pivot Arbok into a Pokémon that can press an advantage over the situation, like Leafeon or Grumpig.
- The “Intimidation Counters” will last on a Pokémon as long as they’re out. This works well with defensive strategies like Necrozma with a Fighting Fury Belt and Lugia with an Eviolite.
- The criteria for knabbing a KO with “Terror Strangle” can be easily done with Pokémon like Weezing and Meloetta to quickly spread damage around. Then use the previously mentioned combos for “Deadly Poison” to stream knockouts.