Alakazam – Pokémon TCG Highlander

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Pre Evolutions:

Form Change:

Alakazam demands sharp minds to push its potential for vital Poké-Power negation, spread damage set up, and when to apply solid damage and self-protection.

Strategy Points:

  • “Power Cancel” is one of the only mechanics in Highlander (and Pokemon TCG in general) that allows you to declare an action on your opponent’s turn. With one Poké-Power negation a turn, keep an eye out for what overall strategy your opponent’s board and deck is aiming for:
    • Take note of any Pokémon that can accelerate energy with a Poké-Power. You can cut off crucial plays that might depend off of these.
    • Be careful, Poké-Powers like Reuniclus’s “Net Force” and “Power Swap” that allows a player to use them as much as they like can technically be negated once, but they can keep using it afterward on that turn.
    • Poké-Powers that can only be activated once, like Mesprit’s “Psychic Bind” or Walrein’s “Gather Ice” can put a stop in your opponent’s game plan while they have to find a way to recycle them back to the hand if they want to try again.
    • Discarding cards during your opponent’s turn can work well with Poké-Bodies from Milotic and Avalugg for protection and disruption, respectively.
  • “Suppression” can start taking multiple knock outs by the second time it’s used. First if you pair it other damage spreaders like Meloetta, Beheeyem, and Weezing – Level X.
    • You can use Slowking, Tentacruel, and Eneporter are all great options to spread out Energy on your opponent’s board for more spread damage.
    • A lot of spread attacks are doing actual attack damage. Take advantage that “Suppression” will bypass bench protection and defensive modifiers. Pokémon like Manectric or Cloyster might be your opponent’s only defensive checks to stop spread damage.
  • “Psychic Guard” not only does great damage, but the minus 30 creates a lot of scenarios where Alakazam will survive a damage trade. The protection from Trainer and Supporter cards will stop disruptive cards like Enhanced Hammer and Team Flare Grunt from hampering Alakazam.
    • You can pair this strategy with Swoobat and Espeon for a heightened layer of protection while you pressure with this attack and/or “Suppression.”
  • “Psyshot” from Abra can actually set up for a knock out later with “Suppression”, it also grants access to fast straight forward damage for Alakazam’s evolution line.
  • “Energy Recall” prepares for a quick “Psychic Guard” next turn, while allowing you to play with aggressive consistency cards like Quick Ball and Professor’s Research. “Confuse Ray” can make your opponent dedicate a lot of resources to retreat their attack, allowing for Alakazam to start taking game swinging momentum next turn and beyond.
  • Mega Alakazam:
  • “Trace” can make Mega Alakazam a 10+ option slot Pokémon. Though you can’t depend off of mistakes, it’s important to regard an opponent that might have overextended and allowed for Mega Alakazam to have a lethal combination of Abilities, like:
    • “Damage Swap” from Reuniclus + “Royal Heal” and/or “Maternal Comfort” from Serperior and/or Nidoqueen.
    • “Wonder Guard” from Shedinja and “Erasing Sound” and/or “Miracle Guard” from Exploud and/or Aegislash.
    • “Psybarrier” from Mewtwo – Level X and “Durable Body” from Cofagrigus.
    • “Battle Rush” from Salamence and “Primal Law” from Dracovish.
  • A 90 damage “Psychic Guard” with Poké-Power negation and Ability copying makes Mega Alakazam a threatening sweeper. Running Garbodor and Wyrdeer for further Ability lock and consistency creates high levels of pressure and obstacles the opponent will have to handle while Mega Alakazam is on the board.