Pre Evolution:

Form Change:

Seaking presses the offensive front with tremendous damage and low energy. With great health and prize card management, Seaking can win the game with only a few moves.
Strategy Points:
- “Horn Pierce” is a quick problem solving attack that does 90 damage for one Energy. Because it only costs one Colorless Energy, you can fit Seaking into a plethora of strategies that revolve around any type.
- Vaporeon’s “Vitality Cheer” will reward Seaking with +20HP after each Knock Out. Creating difficult to Knock Out scenarios with the threat of Seaking’s additional two attacks.
- One thing to consider is that while you are giving a Prize Card, you are also potentially removing threats and investments of resources from the opponent. All while you can continue to build your board on your own.
- “Soaking Horn” will do an additional 40 damage if Seaking heals this turn. Using Mantine, Bellosom, and Cherrim to heal on demand will allow you to stream the bonus damage every turn.
- Starting with a spread attacker like Delibird, Kyurem, or Suicune with these healers set up can create a lot of pressure for the opponent and have Seaking become a potential game winning cleaner.
- “Flail” will get stronger for every damage counter on Seaking. Along with the previously mentioned Vaporeon, you can run Giant Cape and Pokémon like Auroras and Glaceon to further boost Seaking’s durability.
- The switching effect allows you to pivot into strong walls like Trevenant, Ting-Lu, Wobbuffet, Mr. Mime, Spiritomb, Stoutland, Medicham, Kabutops, Milotic, Ursaring, Aggron, and Electrode.
- If you pivot into a Water type after getting a Knock Out, Vaporeon’s “Vitality Cheer” will activate for that new Pokémon.
- Goldeen’s Elegant Swim provides a chance at great protection for the early game as you set up to evolve into Seaking.
- You can run Blunder Policy to turn this attack into a “win-win scenario,” with the draw three cards effect kicking in if you flip tails.
- Seaking – Level X:
- “Aqua Pierce” has a net damage of 60 for one Water Energy. If the opponent doesn’t stop Seaking – Level X fast enough, they could easily see multiple Knock Outs on their side.
- The three Energies accelerated from “Horn Conductor” will quickly begin to stock pile for a favorable board. In addition, the new hand of six allows you to run Energy recovery cards like Super Rod or Energy Retrieval and stream even more Energy back into the deck.
- Kingdra and Basculegion are great ways to rapidly recover Energy with potentially high damage to boot.