Rapidash – Pokémon TCG Highlander

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Pre Evolution:

Form Change:

Pre Evolution:

Form Change:

Rapidash blitzes into the Highlander derby with a threatening range and punish game. Opponents will want to stop Rapidash in its tracks if they want to avoid having a stockade of knockouts.

Strategy Points:

  • “Burning/Glowing Mane” and a free Retreat Cost makes Rapidash a lethal pivot Pokémon that will inflict Burn or bonus damage when it gets hit. Pair with hit and run attackers like Dunsparce, Magnezone, and Emolga as you stockpile Energy onto Rapidash or other attackers.
  • “Shooting Fire/Magic” is initially a 10 damage snipe that will add 30 damage for each discarded Fire or Fairy Energy. Emboar and Gardevoir are great unlimited Energy movers for quick pivoting snipe plays for Regular and Galarian Rapidash respectively.
    • Burning Energy will stay attached to Rapidash, creating a potential stream of high damaging snipes with “Burning Mane” at the ready for retaliation.
    • You can help sustain Galarian Rapidash with Fairy Drop before discarding the Energy for this attack.
    • Telescopic Sight can leave EX’s vulnerable, especially if they retreat by not wanting to interact with Rapidash – Level X.
  • “Ring of Fire”/”Magic Bound Ring” is already an initial 50 damage from the first dial from being Burned. Because the Defending Pokémon can’t retreat, you can create a scenario where you use “Shooting Fire” onto the bench as they get Knocked Out through Burn going back into their second turn after you used the move.
  • Ponyta and Galarian Ponyta both have great HP for a not fully Evolved Pokémon. “Minor Errand-Running” helps in grabbing another energy, allowing a turn two “Shooting Fire” or “Ring of Fire.” The healing from “Heal Pulse” can reverse progression made by the opponent early on, while allowing Galarian Rapidash to use it to heal and punish with “Glowing Mane” if you use Shrine of Memories, Memory Berry, or Memory Energy.
  • “Flare” and “Flop” can serve as the early chip damage to Knock Out an 80 and 90 HP Pokémon respectively with only two Energy with “Shooting Fire” later in the game.
  • Rapidash – Level X:
  • “Stable Guard” will hard wall your Opponent’s Pokémon-EX. Having just one Energy will stop all attack effects done to Rapidash – Level X, which can path alter your opponents to often have to go for direct damage, activating “Burning/Glowing Mane.”
    • Tentecruel, Slowking, Linoone, and Eneporter all can alter your opponent’s board and turn Pokémon into EXs, creating a strong foundation for defensive disruption. All while you can start picking off non-EX Pokemon with “Shooting Fire/Magic.”
  • “Overheated Overdrive” places 100 damage onto your opponent’s board, which can easily result in a double Knock Out with the previous listed options for Rapidash and Ponyta.