Pre Evolution:

Form Change:

A rampaging menace, Primeape continues to cause destruction to the opposition while getting stronger upon retaliation.
Strategy Points:
- “Anger Point” can create scenarios where the opponent will have to be careful and potentially delay attacks to try and go for one hit Knock Outs. Cards like Strong Energy and Defender pair well with Primeape’s high damage potential, creating a blitz of offense and defense from the get-go.
- “Top Drop” holds the highest damage potential for one Energy (without considering other Energy cards on the board.) Though you might not always be milling a Wailord or Slaking for 190 or 150 damage respectively, there are multiple combos you can do to stream high amounts of damage and disruption:
- “Watcheck” from Watchog, “Second Sight” from Slowking, and “Bug’s Radar” from Orbeetle provide a reliable way to spy and re-arrange the top cards of your opponent’s deck. Even if you get a 60HP not fully evolved Pokémon, 70 damage for one Energy while potentially undermining an entire Evolution line grants great momentum for you.
- Cresselia’s “Future Sight” provides great intel during the game. You can swiftly set up a Pokemon mill play here while working in tangent with Mr. Rime’s “Shuffle Dance.” The latter can also grab crucial Prize Cards to be discarded with “Top Drop”, especially if the initial 10 damage with “Anger Point” is already enough for a Knock Out.
- Drone Rotom and Trick Shovel provide quick ways to decide if your turn is going to be ending with this attack.
- “Spirited Throw” adds even more pressure for the opponent to be careful with attacking and not Knocking Out Primeape.
- Cresselia – Level X, Absol, Gengar, and Grimsley can both move damage counters away from the Defending Pokemon to reach the higher HP than Primeape criteria.
- Though a bit risky, you can run Reuniclus or Damage Pump to make Primeape have lower HP to reach the increased damage criteria.
- A free retreat makes Mankey a nimble starting Pokémon. There is a rewarding depth to “Peek”, which can create great scenarios for Primeape’s “Top Drop”, even on the same turn with Wally or Broken Time-Space. You can run Eviolite or Fighting Fury Belt to pair with Stone Energy for an early game “Scratch” that can have your opponent do some damage back, but not enough for a Knock Out.
- Primeape – Level X:
- “Revenge Blitz” adds even more caution for the opponent, as Primeape – Level X becomes one of the most lethal revenge killers in Highlander. Consider the following Pokemon that quickly grab game momentum while potentially getting Knocked Out at a high pace:
- Corsola can draw you a new hand of up to 10 cards without Energy while doing potentially high damage with “Spike Cannon.”
- Falinks will set up your bench with “Call for Family” while threatening to do high damage and great acceleration with “Team Attack.”
- Hitmonchan, Hitmonlee, and Hitmontop all can deal great damage for just one or two Energy. They all can run with a multiple Tyrogue line in the same deck for even more board momentum taking benefits.
- Buzzwole, Pheromosa, and Passimian can all place 30 damage on the board for One Energy. Creating immediate pressure while Primeape – Level X is benched.
- Terrakion is already a great Revenge Killer. Now paired with Primeape – Level X, you can easily Knock Out multiple threats and potentially leave your opponent’s board pretty barren in resources.
- “Pummeling Rampage” is often getting a Knock Out when paired with both of Primeape’s Poké-Bodies. The Pokemon Tool and Technical Machine removal is great for undermining defensive and mobile strategies by getting rid of any Eviolite‘s, Assault Vest‘s, and Float Stone’s the opponent might have.
- To potentially survive after this attack, consider Stone Energy, Defender, Espeon, and Necrozma as options for defensive countermeasures.