Nidoking – Pokémon TCG Highlander

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Pre Evolutions:

Form Change:

Constant retaliation and lethal attacks are an edge that Nidoking brings to your team that alerts the opponent’s to what punishments are heading their way.

Strategy Points:

  • “Territoriality” is a consistent punishment that provides crucial numbers that can dial down turns needed for knockouts on the average fully evolved Pokémon. You can combine this with other punishing effects with Pokémon like Sharpedo, Lugia, and Garchomp.
  • There are a plethora of Pokémon Tool cards that add to the momentum of “Territoriality”: Rocky Helmet, Eviolite, Assault Vest, and Float Stone all add to punishing pivot plays. Donphan, Dunsparce, or Uxie can use an attack boosted by Vitality Band or Choice Band. While Magearna or Mienshao can freely move around the Pokémon Tool cards to maintain high momentum.
  • There are multiple routes of strategy you can take to combo with “Poison Rub.” You can raise your initial power as a Fighting type with Grant, Quagsire and Fighting Stadium. You can also amplify Poison damage with Weezing, Virbank City Gym, and Shiinotic. The bench pulling effect works wonders with Toxapex, Dragalge, and Dugtrio.
  • “Horn Drill” will be knocking out most fully evolved Pokémon in Highlander with just one modifier. Whether it’s PlusPower, Strong Energy, or from “Territoriality”, loading up Energy on the bench for this attack is often worth the investment for general threat removal.
  • A “Rainbow Energy” or “Aurora Energy” with Nidoran ♂ will allow access to “Collect” and “Poison Skin” for added consistency or pressure respectively. If you’re already running cards like Virbank City Gym, “Poison Skin” can quickly rack up a lot of damage, especially on Fully Evolved Basic Pokémon used as a lead.
  • The same goes for Nidorino’s “Toxic” for early game pressure. “Frusturation” provides a way to apply a lot of bench damage, which can even be used by Nidoking thanks to Shrine of Memories or Memory Berry, allowing to finish off potential retreaters affected by “Poison Rub.” Shrine of Memories will allow Nidoking Break to use all previous attacks with only Fighting Energy as the type needed.
  • Nidoking Break:
  • The high HP on Nidoking Break makes “Territoriality” punishes last even longer on average. Not only does “Poison Rub” have a longer chance for disruption, but you’re now attacking as both a Fighting and Psychic type, allowing for more opportunities to hit for Weakness.
  • “Toxic Drill” is knocking out most Fully Evolved Pokémon. If any of them are past the 140HP range, Nidoking Break’s dual typing allows for Strong Energy to become Psychic and Mystery/Horror Energy to become Fighting, allowing for buffed damage and mobility.
  • Sneasler allows for Nidoking Break to Form Change and retreat in the same turn. Creating long running pressure with “Territoriality.” Nidoqueen can quickly heal off the Break Evolution damage with “Maternal Comfort” while “Mother Pheromone” allows for Toxic Drill to be used for two Energy.