Pre Evolution:

Form Change:

Pre Evolution:

Form Change:

With a high opportunity for energy, spread damage, and defensive counterplay, Sandlash digs a well-valued trench on the Highlander battlefield.
Strategy Points:
- “Dig Down” allows for a high potential supply of Energy to your hand each turn. This includes harder to search Special Energy cards that can keep your board well supplied with specific combos.
- “Dig Down” pairs well with Golem and Barbaracle, allowing for “Tumble Down” and “Rock Rush” to easily net KOs with high damage.
- “Spike Armor” makes opponent’s think twice before attacking. You can combine this with Rocky Helmet, Stone Energy, or Shield Energy to create more defensive pressure and survivability.
- Solrock – Level X’s “Sunbeam Grace” makes (Fighting) Sandslash’s wall of punishment even harder to hit over, all while you potentially accumulate your resources with “Dig Down”. Lake Acuity works well for (Metal) Sandslash in providing a default +10 in defense for its Metal Energy.
- Regirock – Level X and Registeel – Level X both have Poke-Bodies that help your Pokémon using Fighting and Metal Energy respectively to have more defense. Allowing for a fast accumulation of resources and momentum with Sandslash.
- “Sand Swirl” provides fast spread damage with the rare distinction of applying Weakness and Resistance. Discarding every Pokémon Tool card can severely damper your opponent’s plans with momentum saving cards like EXP. Share and Float Stone gone.
- Sandshrew’s “Sand Screen” places a damper onto your opponent’s strategies to recycle Trainer, Supporter, and Stadium cards. You can run Devolution Spray in the mid to late game if you predict that the opponent wants to recycle cards like Switch or Lysandre/Guzma for a big game winning play.
- “Fury Swipes” on Alolan Sandslash can place a lot of offensive pressure on the opponent on the first turn. With a quick play of Victini or Glimwood Tangle, you can increase your odds to get 30 damage for zero Energy.
- Sandslash – Level X:
- “Set Trap Field” has no limit, if the opponent grants you multiple turns, you can switch Sandslash back to the bench and initiate the damage yourself with Escape Rope and Repel. You can also run Dugtrio (both forms) to increase the damage for your opponent retreating.
- “Seismic Catastrophe” is a fast blitzing move with incredibly high damage potential when you factor in what it can do to both players benches. Factor in Strong Energy, Fighting Stadium, and Grant for hitting OHKO numbers on the average fully evolved Highlander Pokémon.
- Cloyster, Bastiodon, Manectric, and Dugtrio (both forms) are great at protecting your bench from “Seismic Catastrophe.” You can use a Bench Shield to protect them as well, creating a defensive foundation with high offensive potential.