Magmortar- Pokémon TCG Highlander

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Pre Evolutions:

Form Change:

From killer Anime introductions to a strong presence in TCG and Videogame marketing, the Magmortar line has made its mark across the franchise. With an arsenal of solid and potentially high damaging options backed by disruption, Magmortar proves effective in a plethora of strategies.

Strategy Points:

  • “Top Burner” is destructive in its potential, but demands a high skill ceiling for gauging the game state for milling a bunch of cards granting you an edge over taking prize cards. When a Pokemon is in KO range from Magby and Magmortar Level X’s Poké-Powers, this attack becomes a devastating bonus that can win you the game by milling crucial mid to late game cards.
  • “Flame Blast” provides a sturdy option for damage that only gets stronger for each Fire energy on Magmortar. Using Emboar or Flareon to quickly move up Fire Energy can lead to high damage OHKOs.
  • “Hard Crush” caters to a “go big or go home” playstyle. There are methods to guarantee reliable damage though, Delcatty and Mantine (with Mantyke) allow for Energy cycling to lock-in at least 100 damage a turn. Reckless decks with Pokemon like Infernape and Typhlosion will love the discarded Fire energy from this attack, all while taking fast Prize Cards.
  • With Magby
  • “Flame Body” provides natural synergy for “Flame Blast”, piling up more damage while Magmortar heals and loses any Special Condition. This includes hand energy attachments away from your once per turn with Pokémon like Reshiram and Supporters like Bede.
  • “Incandescent Wave” already provides at least a +20 damage from Burn, but this quickly accumulates if the opponent doesn’t get rid of it. Pokemon like Volcarona and Centiskorch amplify this to the point that you’re getting knockouts from one energy “Flame Blasts”.
  • Magmar’s “Stages of Evolution” allows for all Energy to be converted to Fire. With Double Colorless and Triple Acceleration Energy, all of Magmortar’s attacks are quickly accessible while gaining traction in damage and milling capabilities.
  • “Linear Attack” is good for marking targets that are 10 HP outside of a 50x range for “Hard Crush”. While this also works for Magmar’s “Burning Sensation”, you can also use Pokemon like Decidueye or Chandelure to set up a Burn play.
  • Magmortar – Level X
  • The triple Burn from “Torrid Wave” is already a great net bonus of 30 more damage, paired with the previous mentioned Burn combos + Stadium cards like Full Flame or Wela Volcano Park and you have an effective set up for multiple knockouts.
  • “Flame Bluster” provides a way to snipe any Pokemon for 100 damage, allowing for prepared threats to be hindered or removed all together.
  • With Magby, “Incandescent Wave” stacks after “Torrid Wave. While Magmar’s “Stages of Evolution” allows for “Flame Bluster” to be a two Energy cost attack thanks to Double Colorless and Triple Acceleration Energy.