Azumarill – Pokémon TCG Highlander

Pre Evolutions:

Form Change:

With high damage attacks and a Poké-Power that can supply discarded Fairy Energy, Azumarill crashes onto the board with Prize Cards to take.

Strategy Points:

  • “Froth” provides a quick way to accelerate Fairy Energy onto Azumarill. Use Energy Switch, Aromatisse or Gardevoir to move the Energy to other attackers while using Fairy Garden to pivot with no Retreat Cost.
  • “Super Power” and “Dwindling Wave” achieve high damage with fast ways to use them thanks to “Froth” and Double Colorless Energy. Using healing cards like Fairy Drop and Super Potion allows for Azumarill the window of opportunity to sustain itself while grabbing multiple KOs.
  • Evolving with Azurill grants Azumarill access to: “Thick Fat” for added defenses and protection from any Pokémon using Fire and Water Energy, this includes multi typed Energy. “Bubble Spa” for burst healing on either Azumarill or your other Pokémon as you pivot to the bench, allowing for increased sustainability. “Minor Errand-Running” from Marill, allowing for a utility option in retrieving crucial Energy for Pokémon
  • “Power Accumulation” from Azumarill Level X allows you to accumulate resources like Super Potion and Energy Switch while keeping Azumarill anchored as your high damage attacker.
  • Enchanted Bubble Wave puts a lot of pressure on the opponent if they cannot protect their Bench. All while Azumarill continues to heal. If the opponent decides to Bench less Pokémon, they pose the risk of losing their only Pokémon to Azumarill’s other attacks.
  • You can use Sunflora’s “Solar Power” to make Enchanted Bubble Wave a 0 cost attack. Since that cost won’t leave until you take a Prize card, this can serve as a win condition for placing a lot of spread damage on the opponent’s board, all while using “Froth” and Energy movement effects to build up your other Pokémon.