When the template of limitations marks your foundation, do you give up or explore the landscape for the strengths it offers in its terrain? The limitations aren’t declaring that you can’t; rather, they are what an artist is challenged to tackle for their expressive medium. In the case of “Glover” on the N64, the mid- to late-90s console served as a foundation for creating one of the coolest first worlds of all time.
I’ve remembered Glover, and specifically the Atlantis levels, fondly since I was young. I didn’t own the game until I was in high school, but I still remember and seek out listening to its music over the years. From booting up the game with a cool jazz session to a sinister story opening and overworld, one might think that going to Atlantis as the first world would serve as tonal whiplash for the player. But it’s through this gameplay experience that one finds themselves in a world that sits on the fence of welcoming and unknown, one that defines the oxymoron of “calming adversity.”
The Vapor Wave
In 2016, I came across the “Vaporwave” sensation that was already taking the internet by storm. This modern trend to ironically capture the 80s/90s marketing aesthetic of “everything is fine in the economic landscape of America” associated with malls and early-age computers was fascinating to learn about in the grand scope of it all.
But take away the ironic intentions of an internet meme, and what you find is multi-generational appreciation for an era that did focus on a more heartwarming and positive upbeat across its society.

Atlantis – In Plain Sight
The Atlantis themes in Glover are the core representation of that concept: “Vaporwave before the ironic meme. Vaporwave, without the ulterior motive of positive masking for capital gain.”
The first level is relatively short, but the open terrain and long runtime of the song before it loops serves as the designer’s foundation for the player to freely interact and explore the mechanics of the game. There were multiple times I played this level that I found myself purposefully not completing it fast. This isn’t just an intro stage; this is an artistic reflection of an era that has gradually become treasured for its melancholic nostalgia.
The Technology of Our Time
If it weren’t for the new but limited technology of the Nintendo 64, we wouldn’t get Glover how it was. The Playstation 1 port gave us a glimpse of that, with an ironically less desired version of the soundtrack from the general masses. The natural compression of the N64 cartridges provided an excellent polish for the Atlantis themes and their representation of an aesthetic that we still seek to listen to and immerse ourselves in.
In an era that continues to boast about the big and bold use of video game technology and “grander orchestrations,” there is an ironic twist of lost art that can be found with that ambition. This isn’t to say that games and soundtracks with bolder budgets and titanic music technology are worse, but it’s important for game designers to not lose sight of the concept of “less is more.” And for Atlantis, there are gems to still be found.

Salvaged Treasure
From the uplifting spirits of “Enjoy Yourself” to the melancholic appreciation of “Resonance,” the past 10 years of Vaporwave and Synthwave music have demonstrated an artistic drive beyond what started as “just an ironic meme.” Glover’s Atlantis isn’t just Vaporwave before Vaporwave; it’s an impactful nostalgic experience that continues to grow in its multi-generational accolades.
Hopefully, one day, we can take the magic of Atlantis and expand upon the bountiful human treasures it gives to people, one cherished memory at a time.