Elhanan Pete Grigsby IV – Fan of The Diamonts

Elhanan Pete Grigsby is a composer, website, social media, and sound designer for SoundWorks Recording Studio. They say that a timeless masterpiece of art inspires across many generations, and Super Mario World 2: Yoshi’s Island is Pete’s Awe-Inspiring Comet.


TES V Skyrim OST – Secunda – Cyrodiil Remix
V.S. Celebi Battle Theme
Fight in the Geometric Abyss
Donkey Kong Country 3 GBA OST – Water World Remix
Donkey Kong 64 OST – Fungi Forest Remix
Mario Party 1 OST – Mario’s Rainbow Castle Remix
Mario Party 1 OST – Yoshi’s Tropical Island Remix
So Worthy App Commercial Music
Ozone Border

From short films to apps, Elhanan has written for a wide variety of clients, platforms, and styles that always suit the artistic vision at hand. Using an extensive background in music theory, history, and technology, the demands of the modern world of media provide the perfect challenge for creative expression.

Sound Design

With years of experience with ProTools, Logic, and Ableton, Elhanan knows the extensive ins and outs of all major audio workstations while providing an artistic flare for each sound design and mastering job. 

From live recordings to full-sound integration with programs such as Wwise and Unity, Elhanan always brings the best there is for the professional standard in sound. 

Elhanan’s Sound Design Portfolio

Always Creating

Along with music and sound, Elhanan loves to participate in hobbies that always provide a high level of challenge. From competitive e-sports to commentary and creating his own custom games, Elhanan always strives to be creative while challenging himself every day for self-improvement.

All 6pm CST streams are broadcasted at: https://youtube.com/channel/UCAqDvk0PRZ1YS-sObyO50bA…

Alinos Gateway Discord: https://discord.gg/Uy4WB7F